Spring fever. That annual rite of passage for winter-worn humans ready to embark on trips to various bodies of water, be they pools, lakes, or even oceans. After months of mostly gray, Arkansans are ready to get outside and feel the warmth of sunshine on their skin. Unfortunately, we’re not the only critters with spring fever. Arkansas insects and other pests get spring fever, too. Only they long to get inside. Bugs come out in force in the spring and your home is a desired vacation spot for many of them. Hibernating bugs wake up in spring and seek the safety and security — and of course, the pantry — of your home. After all, if you were a bug, wouldn’t you? So, be forewarned. Bugs are preparing to “hit the beach.” Don’t let your home become their Panama City. One female spider that finds a cozy corner in your home can lay up to 3,000 eggs in one or two seasons. That’s a lot of spring breakers. In the spring, expect to encounter the following pests in Arkansas: Ants Bees Termites Spiders Flies Gnats Mosquitos Centipedes Of course, snakes start to pop out in the spring and are a potential pest. Year-round pests can include squirrels, raccoons and other critters that like to find shelter in attics, basements, storage sheds and garages. Pests are crafty — they’ll find a way in if you let them. That’s why, even with a full termite and pest contract, it doesn’t hurt to put up “Not Welcome” signs. We’ll share some precautions you can take to keep those pesky spring breakers from invading your beach — rather, your home — in parts 2 and 3.